Year: 2022

Die Dart-Scheibe, bei der man immer ins Schwarze trifft

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Jahrbuch zu den Alpbacher Technologiegesprächen 2022

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Jungforscherinnen und Roboter

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Science Corner im TMW Wien: Caring Robots

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Christian Doppler Laboratory for Intelligent Process Control for High-Quality Steel Products

ACIN is proud to announce the start of a new Christian Doppler Laboratory with company partner voestalpine Stahl GmbH.
Prof. Andreas Steinböck and his team will conduct problem-oriented fundamental research for the modeling, control, regulation and monitoring of complex production processes.
The following media haved dedicated a report to this research project:
Neues CD-Labor: Intelligente Stahlproduktion, TU Wien News 26.09.2022
Neues CD-Labor soll Stahlproduktion mit KI und Co. verbessern, 26.09.2022
Neue Stahlprodukte mit AI, 26.09.2022
Die intelligente Produktion von Stahl, 27.09.2022
Die intelligente Stahlproduktion, 28.09.2022
Intelligente Stahlproduktion, “Die Presse”, 05.10.2022, Seite: 18 Ressort: Report Österreich

Mini-Flugroboter für die ISS

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Forscher machen Laser-Augen für Fahrzeuge ruckelresistent

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Heißes Zink und flotte Walzstraßen exakt steuern

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Successful Manned Test Flights of Active Turbulence Load Suppression

The research project SmartWings successfully demonstrated the objective to reduce vertical loads by more than 60% during actual manned test flight in atmospheric turbulence. The newspaper Kleine Zeitung published the article “Durchbruch in Forschung: In Kärnten wurde Luftfahrt-Geschichte geschrieben” on 22.11.2021, where the technology is explained in further detail by Prof. Georg Schitter and Andras Galffy.

The research partners ACIN – Advanced Mechatronics Systems and Turbulence Solutions GmbH are looking forward to further joint research projects following the vision to make flights turbulence-free.

Further scientific details on this FFG funded project are available here.