Kiru Park presented the paper “Pix2Pose: Pixel-Wise Coordinate Regression of Objects for 6D Pose Estimation” (K. Park, T. Patten, M. Vincze) at the 5th International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose, organized at ICCV 2019, October 28, Seoul, Korea.
The BOP Challenge 2019 (Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation), whose goal is to capture the state of the art in estimating the 6D pose, was part of this workshop and the methods Mr. Park described in his paper won an award as the best performing method for two datasets, namely YCB-Video and Rutgers Amazon Picking Challenge.
Sergey Alexandrov was awarded the Best Paper Award at 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems for the paper “Leveraging Symmetries to improve Object Detection and Pose Estimation from Range Data” (S. V. Alexandrov, T. Patten, M. Vincze).
fotocredit: ICVS 2019
The paper “A Study on Pupils’ Motivation to Pursue a STEM Career” (G. Jäggle, M. Merdan, G. Koppensteiner, W. Lepuschitz, A. Posekany, M. Vincze) received the Best Paper Award at the ICL 2019 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning.
In the course of the joint conference Mechatronics & Nolcos 2019 Martin Saxinger was awarded the MECHATRONICS 2019 Best Young Author Award for the paper “Non-Collocated Position Control of Steel Strip with Electromagnetic Rejection of Unknown Multi-Harmonic Disturbances” (M. Saxinger, L. Marko, A. Steinboeck, A. Kugi).
Lukas MARKO received the Best Paper Award at the VDI-Mechatroniktagung 2019 for his paper “Elektromagnetische Schwingungstilgung für Stahlbänder mit unbekannter harmonischer Störung” (L. Marko, M. Saxinger, A. Steinböck, A. Kugi)
Andreas Deutschmann was awarded twice at the 53. Regelungstechnischen Kolloquium in Boppard: