Month: December 2020

Dr. Andreas Deutschmann-Olek honoured with Dr. Ernst Fehrer-Preis

A. Deutschmann-Olek On December 9, 2020 Dr. Andreas Deutschmann-Olek has received the Dr. Ernst Fehrer-Preis for his cutting-edge research work in the area of modeling and control of optical pulse amplifiers for ultra-short laser pulses.
Since 1982, the Dr. Ernst Fehrer Award has been awarded yearly for outstanding technical research achievements with practical applicability at the Technische Universität Wien.
Congratulations on this outstanding achievement

TU Wien press release Dr. Ernst Fehrer-Preis: Wie man Laserpulse richtig verstärkt
Link to the PhD-thesis of Dr. Deutschmann-Olek
fotocredit: Dominik Hrebenko