Month: September 2022

Mechatronic Systems Outstanding Investigator Award for Prof. Kugi

Prof. Andreas Kugi has received the Mechatronic Systems Outstanding Investigator Award “for outstanding contributions to model-based design and nonlinear control of mechatronic systems and their applications in industry” at the 9th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (Los Angeles, USA, September 6-9, 2022).
This award is presented triennially by IFAC TC4.2 „Mechatronic Systems” to a researcher who has demonstrated sustained outstanding research contributions in mechatronic systems, either of a fundamental or applied nature, and who has a significant history of participation in and contributions to IFAC mechatronic systems activities.

Best Student Paper Award CCTA

The paper „Flexible Robotic Drawing on 3D Objects with an Industrial Robot“ (T. Weingartshofer, A. Haddadi, C. Hartl-Nesic, A. Kugi) presents an automatic workflow to execute a drawing process on a 3D object from a user-provided 2D input pattern. This work thus supports the trend in industry to develop flexible automation solutions for high-mix, low-volume production. At the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2022, August 22-25, 2022 in Trieste, Italy), the paper received the Best Student Paper Award. Congratulations!