Prof. Andreas Kugi has received the Mechatronic Systems Outstanding Investigator Award “for outstanding contributions to model-based design and nonlinear control of mechatronic systems and their applications in industry” at the 9th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (Los Angeles, USA, September 6-9, 2022).
This award is presented triennially by IFAC TC4.2 „Mechatronic Systems” to a researcher who has demonstrated sustained outstanding research contributions in mechatronic systems, either of a fundamental or applied nature, and who has a significant history of participation in and contributions to IFAC mechatronic systems activities.
The paper „Flexible Robotic Drawing on 3D Objects with an Industrial Robot“ (T. Weingartshofer, A. Haddadi, C. Hartl-Nesic, A. Kugi) presents an automatic workflow to execute a drawing process on a 3D object from a user-provided 2D input pattern. This work thus supports the trend in industry to develop flexible automation solutions for high-mix, low-volume production. At the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2022, August 22-25, 2022 in Trieste, Italy), the paper received the Best Student Paper Award. Congratulations!