Month: July 2021

Heisenberg under the microscope

In cooperation with the Aspelmeyer Group (University of Vienna), ACIN was able to cool the motion of an optically trapped nanoparticle into the quantum ground state at room temperature. Also, we achieved a very precise estimation of the particle’s position and velocity, as close to the Heisenberg limit as no one did before.
These cutting-edge results are published in Nature Volume 595 Issue 7867, 15 July 2021
(L. Magrini et al., Real-time optimal quantum control of mechanical motion at room temperature, Nature (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03602-3)
We are happy that these achievements have also been taken up by media and are presented to the general public:
Heiß-kaltes Glaskügelchen in Quantenzustand wurde präzise vermessen, 15.07.2021
Ein Gedankenexperiment wird real, 14.07.2021
Heisenberg under the microscope, TU Wien press release 15.07.2021
Quantensystem steuern wie einen Roboter, 16.07.2021
Steuerung für Quantensystem, trend.Premium, 30.07.2021
Heisenberg microscope controls at the quantum level, Wiley News 11.08.2021
Die Quanten kommen aufs Fließband, 06.09.2021
Schwerpunkt: Quantenforschung: Mit der Kombination zweier Forschungsfelder zu neuen Sensoren Ö1 Wissen aktuell, 06.09.2021