Vision for Robotics

Wir bringen Robotern das Sehen bei

Dazu entwickeln wir Methoden zur Wahrnehmung von Strukturen und Objekten, so dass Roboter handeln und daraus lernen können. Dies ebnet den Weg zu automatisierter Fertigung und Haushaltsrobotern, die das tägliche Leben erleichtern. Die Lösungen entwickeln den Ansatz des situierten Sehens: Wahrnehmung wird an das Wissen von der Aufgabe, der Domäne und des Roboters gebunden.
Unsere Kompetenz ist sichere Navigation, 2D und 3D Aufmerksamkeitsmethoden, Objektmodellierung, Erkennung von Objektklassen, Affordanz-basiertes Greifen, und die Nutzung von Objektfunktionen für die Manipulation.

Research Topics

Human in the Loop – HiL

Within this research area of the V4R research group, we investigate different Human-Robot-Interaction (HRI) scenarios. We are especially interested in enabling long-term HRI and perform research from a user-centered perspective as well as from a robot/cognition-centered perspective.

We study joint action scenarios, usability and acceptance of service robots in the domestic and the industrial context, adaptive behaviour coordination, and educational robotics.

Semantic Scene – SCENE

Within this research area of the V4R research group, we focus on reasoning about scenes and environments from different perspectives, with the goal of better perceiving, representing and understanding a robots’ surrounding world to enable a more advanced behavior. Research topics include scene reconstruction, semantic scene parsing, efficient representation of semantic knowledge and its exploitation in the robotics scope, especially intelligent robot navigation and robotic interaction with the environment.

Object Perception and Manipulation – OBJECT

Within this research area of the V4R research group, we investigate different research aspects related to objects. Our research focusses on object modelling (multi-view reconstruction, RGBD as well as stereo), object recognition, object detection, object classification, object affordances and manipulation of objects like grasping known and unknown objects. The goal of our research is to empower autonomous robots in their perception and manipulation tasks.

V4R Youtube Channel

Visit our Youtube channel, V4RatTUVienna, for more information and demonstrations of our research.